Revelation 20:7-15; The peaceful thousand year reign of Christ and the saints comes to an end as Satan is released from imprisonment in the Abyss. The evil one immediately employs deception, his most prolific weapon, to rally the unrepentant as a massive army marching against the city of Bod. At Armageddon, Christ destroyed the beast’s army, while the final battle ends decisively when fire from heaven devours the entire host of the rebellious. The devil is thrown into the lake of burning sulfur with the beast and false prophet. Then the “great white throne” judgement of the sinful who refused to confess their sins and receive the gift of salvation through the atoning death of Jesus Christ on the cross. Each unbeliever will stand before the throne as “books were opened” including the “book of life“
Wow… a true reason for a complacency check… thank you